Financial Information
Unit:NT$ Thousands:%
Month | Consolidated Revenue | The same period of Revenue last year | Increase/ Decrease amount | YoY Change (%) |
1 | 223,697 | 208,323 | 15,374 | 7.38 |
2 | 232,850 | 153,502 | 79,348 | 51.69 |
Unit:NT$ Thousands:%
Month | Consolidated Revenue | The same period of Revenue last year | Increase/ Decrease amount | YoY Change (%) |
1 | 208,323 | 132,317 | 76,006 | 57.44 |
2 | 153,502 | 165,730 | -12,228 | -7.38 |
3 | 231,734 | 212,293 | 19,441 | 9.16 |
4 | 205,825 | 172,852 | 32,973 | 19.08 |
5 | 260,955 | 221,558 | 39,397 | 17.78 |
6 | 228,631 | 205,306 | 23,325 | 11.36 |
7 | 252,799 | 208,471 | 44,328 | 21.26 |
8 | 282,486 | 199,625 | 82,861 | 41.51 |
9 | 270,765 | 242,571 | 28,194 | 11.62 |
10 | 322,801 | 243,687 | 79,114 | 32.47 |
11 | 269,748 | 219,778 | 49,970 | 22.74 |
12 | 279,141 | 228,784 | 50,357 | 22.01 |
Unit:NT$ Thousands:%
Month | Consolidated Revenue | The same period of Revenue last year | Increase/ Decrease amount | YoY Change (%) |
1 | 132,317 | 278,937 | -146,620 | -52.56 |
2 | 165,730 | 211,338 | -45,608 | -21.58 |
3 | 212,293 | 319,131 | -106,838 | -33.48 |
4 | 172,852 | 266,956 | -94,104 | -35.25 |
5 | 221,558 | 226,396 | -4,838 | -2.14 |
6 | 205,306 | 234,603 | -29,297 | -29,297 |
7 | 208,471 | 228,599 | -20,128 | -8.8 |
8 | 199,625 | 215,180 | -15,555 | -7.23 |
9 | 242,571 | 212,938 | 29,633 | 13.92 |
10 | 243,687 | 161,181 | 82,506 | 51.19 |
11 | 219,778 | 216,057 | 3,721 | 1.72 |
12 | 228,784 | 213,312 | 15,472 | 7.25 |
Unit:NT$ Thousands:%
Month | Consolidated Revenue | The same period of Revenue last year | Increase/ Decrease amount | YoY Change (%) |
1 | 278,937 | 248,522 | 30,415 | 12.24 |
2 | 211,338 | 218,592 | -7,254 | -3.32 |
3 | 319,131 | 315,388 | 3,743 | 1.19 |
4 | 266,956 | 262,488 | 4,468 | 1.70 |
5 | 226,396 | 294,480 | -68,084 | -23.12 |
6 | 234,603 | 353,163 | -118,560 | -33.57 |
7 | 228,599 | 342,004 | -113,405 | -33.16 |
8 | 215,180 | 333,540 | -118,360 | -35.49 |
9 | 212,938 | 308,329 | -95,391 | - 30.94 |
10 | 161,181 | 304,251 | -143,070 | -47.02 |
11 | 216,057 | 298,287 | -82,230 | -27.57 |
12 | 213,312 | 292,753 | -79,441 | -27.14 |
Unit:NT$ Thousands:%
Month | Consolidated Revenue | The same period of Revenue last year | Increase/ Decrease amount | YoY Change (%) |
1 | 248,522 | 227,705 | 20,817 | 9.14 |
2 | 218,592 | 283,033 | -64,441 | -22.77 |
3 | 315,388 | 275,237 | 40,151 | 14.59 |
4 | 262,488 | 92,549 | 169,939 | 183.62 |
5 | 294,480 | 83,636 | 210,844 | 252.10 |
6 | 353,163 | 143,682 | 209,481 | 145.79 |
7 | 342,004 | 213,118 | 128,886 | 60.48 |
8 | 333,540 | 227,247 | 106,293 | 46.77 |
9 | 308,329 | 269,260 | 39,069 | 14.51 |
10 | 304,251 | 262,582 | 41,669 | 15.87 |
11 | 298,287 | 257,415 | 40,872 | 15.88 |
12 | 292,753 | 315,137 | -22,384 | - 7.10 |
Unit:NT$ Thousands:%
Month | Consolidated Revenue | The same period of Revenue last year | Increase/ Decrease amount | YoY Change (%) |
1 | 227,705 | 383,622 | -155,917 | -40.64 |
2 | 283,033 | 256,099 | 26,934 | 10.52 |
3 | 275,237 | 358,557 | -83,320 | -23.24 |
4 | 92,549 | 305,811 | -213,262 | -69.74 |
5 | 83,636 | 284,402 | -200,766 | -70.59 |
6 | 143,682 | 237,369 | -93,687 | -39.47 |
7 | 213,118 | 258,040 | -44,922 | -17.41 |
8 | 227,247 | 268,055 | -40,808 | -15.22 |
9 | 269,260 | 229,004 | 40,256 | 17.58 |
10 | 262,582 | 196,335 | 66,247 | 33.74 |
11 | 257,415 | 244,883 | 12,532 | 5.12 |
12 | 315,137 | 270,698 | 44,439 | 16.42 |
Unit:NT$ Thousands:%
Month | Consolidated Revenue | The same period of Revenue last year | Increase/ Decrease amount | YoY Change (%) |
1 | 383,622 | 285,105 | 98,517 | 34.55 |
2 | 256,099 | 281,969 | -25,870 | - 9.17 |
3 | 358,557 | 389,376 | -30,819 | - 7.91 |
4 | 305,811 | 323,879 | -18,068 | - 5.58 |
5 | 284,402 | 376,079 | -91,677 | -24.38 |
6 | 237,369 | 325,716 | -88,347 | -27.12 |
7 | 258,040 | 367,480 | -109,440 | -29.78 |
8 | 268,055 | 398,044 | -129,989 | -32.66 |
9 | 229,004 | 408,385 | -179,381 | -43.92 |
10 | 196,335 | 341,237 | -144,902 | -42.46 |
11 | 244,883 | 308,964 | -64,081 | -20.74 |
12 | 270,698 | 301,226 | -30,528 | -10.13 |